God loves us. However, our sin separates us from God. The Apostle Paul explained the consequences and the solution,
“For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23, NLT).
“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, NIV).
In spite of our sinfulness, our loving and merciful God found a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him!
Jesus Christ—God’s Solution
In the Old Testament, people “paid” for their sin through the sacrifice of an animal. When Jesus came, He provided the ultimate sacrifice for our sin: a one-time last sacrifice that paid for all sin for all time.
Jesus entered the world through a supernatural conception (Matthew 1:18-25). He was God’s son, born of a woman: fully God and fully human.
When Jesus began his ministry, the Jewish religious leaders hated Him because Jesus claimed to be God (John 10:33)—which He actually was! The leaders just couldn’t accept that Jesus was the long-promised Messiah. In a mock trial they convicted Him and turned Him over to the Romans to have Him executed. Jesus was crucified on a cross and then buried in a heavily guarded tomb. All hope seemed lost.
But, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day … just as He had promised (Matthew 16:21)! Historical records from eyewitnesses testify that Jesus Christ was then seen alive by over 500 people (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). He is alive today!
Wow! Isn’t that incredible? Jesus paid the penalty for our sins so we can spend eternity in heaven with God.