Bible Study Tools
Could you benefit from the ability to search in the Bible for specific passages or phrases as you study the Bible? Would you like to compare the same passage in the New International Version Bible, New American Standard Bible, New King James Bible and other Bible versions? Bible passage look up is available through multiple links to sites such as Blue Letter Bible, Crosswalk and Spread the word about these Bible resources to help people you know with their daily Bible study.
Bible Gateway
Biblos Bible Tools
Search the Bible, concordance, dictionary and encyclopedia; view parallel versions; see Hebrew and Greek definitions; and much more.
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- (Review as many as 15 Parallel Commentaries on one page)
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Bible Study Tools
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- (Early Church History)
- (Classic Christian Books)
Study Books of the Bible
Explore the Bible Project animated videos about the books of the Bible and various Bible themes like Holiness, Holy Spirit, The Messiah, The Covenants, and many more… (Explore the Bible)
Bible Study Methods
Inductive Bible Study Methods
Inductive Bible study is learning how to exegete (draw out), as in extracting the information on what a text is actually saying in an objective and in a systematic way. “Inductive” simply means to use logic induction and reasoning by examining the particulars, facts, and essence of a text, such as context and word meanings first before making any conclusions. (read more)
The Inductive Method of Bible Study – The Basics
by Kay Arthur
Learn to know what God says, what He means, and how to put His truths into practice. (read more)
The Christian and the Bible
The Bible – God’s holy, inspired Word – is without comparison. The heart-warming story of God’s love for mankind, the Bible is an exciting and joyful adventure of reading, meditation and study. No other book written can equal it. And no one can live a full, abundant, supernatural life without daily drawing upon the supernatural resources of God’s word. (read more)
How Can I Get Started Reading the Bible?
This is an article every new student of the Bible should read. It answers basic, practical questions about the different Bible translations available and how and why they differ. It also describes various approaches to Bible reading and how reading differs from studying. It helps you learn how to find help for specific issues and problems, and it gives helpful questions to ask in order to personalize and apply the passages you read. (read more)
Get the Most from Your Bible
by Tremper Longman III
Merely reading the Bible is not enough if you want to get the full meaning from any particular text. Learn how to get the most out of reading your Bible.
(read more)
How to Enjoy Bible Study
by John MacArthur
Three simple guidelines to help you make the most of your study time.
(read more)
Choosing a Bible Translation
by Daniel B. Wallace
Before the year 1881, you had three choices for an English Bible translation: the KJV, the KJV, or the KJV. Obviously, this is no longer the case. How did the King James Version get dethroned? Which translation is best today? Are any of the modern translations faithful to the original? (read more)
Scripture Memorization
by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Some people think they can’t memorize Scripture, but the fact is, we can and do memorize all the time. (read more)
Write as You Read the Bible
by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Your eyes may be reading words but your mind is thinking about the phone call you just received or your day’s schedule. (read more)
The Need for God’s Word
Before I became a believer in Jesus Christ, God’s Word didn’t make any sense to me. I tried to read it occasionally during my high school and college days, but found it boring. Finally, I concluded that no really intelligent person could believe the Bible.
But when I became a Christian, my life was transformed, and my attitudes concerning the Scriptures changed. I realized that the Bible was truly the holy, inspired Word of God. For almost fifty years it has been more important to me than the thousands of books in my library combined.
Why is the Bible so important to the Christian? Let me share five basic reasons.(read more)