Are there signs in life that tell us there’s something more out there? Perhaps a higher being? Earl McClellan talks about how love and joy point to the existence of God. [watch video]
In 1955, Professor Antony Flew set the agenda for modern atheism with his Theology and Falsification, a paper presented in a debate with C.S. Lewis. [watch video]
Richard Dawkins always seems to stay on top of his interviews and tends to make his interviewers look like complete idiots. Well, Ben turns the tables on him this time. [watch video]
The person you are looking for is not the Christian, what you need to seek is the message given to us in the scriptures of who God really is. [watch video]
There are numerous historical facts proving the resurrection is true, most notably there are four gospels that all tell us that Jesus rose from the dead. [watch video]
Does science point to the existence of a creator? John Burke examines the scientific evidence that suggests we are the product of intelligent design. [watch video]
Belief in God, according to atheists, is irrational, illogical, and dumb. Belief in God, as Professor Kreeft shows, is more rational than belief in nothing. Logic, science, and reason, support God. Atheism, as you'll see, is far more steeped in blind faith than is belief. [watch video]
Contrary to popular belief, Earth is not an insignificant blip on the universe’s radar.How does it prove its worth among numerous planets and constellations in the vastness of the Milky Way? [watch video]
Is there a God? You know virtually every person in the world has asked this question. Some people say there is no such thing as God. Others are firmly convinced He exists, and some people, they don't really seem to know and they don't really seem to care. [watch video]
Lee Strobel explains how DNA is an encoded set of information stored in every cell of every living thing that could only have happened by design? [watch video]
Who is God? You know people have asked this question for years. Some people say God is a life force, others say that He is a personal Being, and still others say that God is only made up to control people using religion. [watch video]
What discovery has baffled the greatest scientific minds of the past century, and why has it caused them to rethink the origin of our universe? New, more powerful, telescopes have revealed mysteries about our universe that have raised new questions about the origin of life. [watch video]