Why Jesus?
Christ claimed to answer all the deep questions about our existence. Life’s biggest questions: “Who am I?”“Why am I here?”“Where am I going after I die?” Although other philosophers and … [read more…]
God Loves You…
The very God who created the universe desires a relationship with you. Not because He is needy, but because His very nature is love. God wants you to know Him and enjoy His magnificence. God … [read more…]
Purpose for Life
Why do you exist? What is the purpose for life? This is one of the most foundational questions of life. What a person believes about the reason for life has a profound impact on every other … [read more…]
Are You Going to Heaven?
What if you died tonight? Are you absolutely confident where you will spend eternity? What if you are wrong? A new study from the Barna Research Group revealed that most Americans believe … [read more…]
Born Again as a New Creation
Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a Christian? Some people believe that they are Christians because they have joined a church. Others think that following certain rules or standards … [read more…]
Do You Believe?
Several beliefs are foundational to having a relationship with God and receiving eternal life. The Apostle John, referring to the Gospel account he had written, declared: But these are written … [read more…]