Have you ever thought about what life is really all about? What you have been created for? Why you are where you are? Does it seem possible to you that God loves you and has a purpose for your life?
Your life is not an accident! (See Psalm 139:13-18) Your life matters! God has given you an identity in Christ and has a plan for your life!
However … it’s not all about you! … What? The Bible teaches that God has a specific plan for you … but that plan is specifically tied to how you fit into His eternal master plan. God has given you the freedom to choose His plan or your own plan. To choose wisely, you must understand how life fits into the big picture of God’s eternal master plan, and you must learn from the choices others have made. It’s important to remember that you have the freedom to choose, but not freedom from the consequences of your choice.
God is your loving Father and He planned and designed you to be His child for all eternity. (See Ephesians 1:3-6)
God has a specific job for you to do. He wants your life to fit in with His master plan. He wants you to advance His purposes. God wants you to live in such a way that you will experience His best, which He has planned for all eternity.
Whatever your situation, your choice matters. God wants you to submit to His plan for your life. Is there something in your life (such as a relationship, a possession, a job, a commitment, or something else very important to you) that is standing in the way of what God wants you to do?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
(Jeremiah 29:11,NIV).
God’s plan for you is better than anything you can devise.Ask Him to show you and pursue it wholeheartedly.