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Jesus Evidence Articles
Become more confident with evidence about Jesus’ true identity, his resurrection, the existence of God, and the reliability of the Bible.
- Did Jesus Claim to be God?
- Did the Apostles Believe Jesus is God?
- Was Jesus the Messiah?
- Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
- The Jesus Family Tomb: Fact or Fiction?
- Was Jesus Really from Nazareth?
- The Gnostic Gospels: Are they the real history of Jesus?
- The Gospel of Barnabas: Secret Bible?
- Is the Bible True?
Y-Origins Magazine
Download free PDFs by clicking on articles below:
Scientific discoveries revive the ancient belief in a beginning to the universe - WHAT ARE THE ODDS?
It’s becoming clear that life on earth is unique, and the odds against it existing elsewhere are astronomical - OPTIONS FOR ORIGINS:
The choices in accounting for our universe boil down to three – chance, multiple universes, or design - THE PROBLEM WITH HALF AN EYE:
Can intricately complex organs like the eye be the result of time plus chance?
Does the intelligence of DNA point to a designer? - THE CASE OF THE MISSING LINKS:
Where are Darwin’s predicted fossils? - THE HUMAN ENIGMA:
Evolutionists are unable to explain the origin of human intelligence and consciousness - IMAGINE THE DESIGNER:
Does the universe reveal clues about the nature of its designer?