Do you ever have difficulty believing that God has completely forgiven your sins? Maybe you believe it with your head, but not really with your heart.
And you know, the fact is, if you’ve placed your trust in Christ, God has forgiven you of your sins.
You can only experience the incredible love and forgiveness of God when you understand who Jesus Christ is and why He came.
Take a few minutes to watch the videos below and experience the assurance of God’s total forgiveness.
The Greatest Relationship Ever
Knowing Jesus personally as your Savior is the basis for experiencing God’s love and forgiveness. [watch and read]
Light Bulb Illustration
The Bible describes Natural, Spiritual and Carnal people. [watch and read]
Receive God’s Forgiveness
By faith you can confess your sins, repent, and accept God’s forgiveness.
[watch and read]
A Spiritual Formula
A simple, four-step process will help you experience God’s forgiveness.
[watch and read]