Every person is born with natural talents and abilities. However, when you are reborn spiritually, the Holy Spirit gives you one or more supernatural spiritual abilities. These spiritual gifts are special capacities that equip you for supernatural ministry in the lives of others.
The gift or gifts that you have received from the Holy Spirit equip you for the special life mission that God has for you. Unity and maturity will result as you fulfill your unique role within the body of Christ.
Some spiritual gifts are spectacular—like gifts of healing or the working of miracles. Others seem more ordinary—like the gifts of teaching, mercy and giving. However, in reality, God’s supernatural power is at work in all of them regardless of how obvious those effects are to us and others.
It is important to understand that the Holy Spirit chooses which gift or gifts each of us receive. And the purpose for giving us the gift is not for our own self-exaltation, but rather to glorify God and fulfill His purposes.