7 Questions Skeptics Ask
by Rusty Wright
Picture the scene. You’re discussing your faith with a coworker or neighbor, perhaps over lunch or coffee. You explain your beliefs but your friend has questions:
How could a loving God allow evil and suffering?
The Bible is full of contradictions.
What about people who’ve never heard of Jesus?
How do you feel about these questions and objections? Anxious? Confused? Defensive? Combative? (read more)
The Answer Is the Resurrection: Sharing Your Faith in Christ
by Steve Cable
In 1 Peter, Chapter 1, Peter writes, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.”
So, our hope is a living hope for an eternal inheritance reserved for us in heaven. If I am to make a defense for this hope of eternal life (1Peter 3:15), I need to be able to explain why I believe that the source of this hope has both the capability and the motivation to follow through on this offer. (read more)
The Relevance of Christianity: An Apologetic
by Rick Wade
Even though we are physically better off because of our scientific knowledge applied through various technologies, are we better off all around than before we had such things? I am not deriding the benefit of science and technology; I am simply wondering about our spiritual and moral health. Our society is trying to find itself. This is clearly seen in current debates over important ethical and social issues. At the root of our culture wars is the question, Who are we, and what are we to be about? The age-old questions continue to haunt us: Where did I come from? Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? Where am I going? With the loss of his exalted place in the universe following the loss of a Christian world view, man now wonders what his place is. Am I significant in a universe that sees me as just one more piece of cosmic dust? Is there any intrinsic meaning to my existence? Or must I determine for myself what my place and role will be?
In addition to apologetic arguments from logic and factual evidence, we should also be prepared to answer questions such as these. We need to let people know that in Christ are found answers to the major issues of life. By doing this, we can engage people where they really live. We can show them that God is not some abstract force separated from the concerns of life, but “is intimately related to personal and human needs.” As one writer put it, “God must be shown to be necessitated or justified by practical or existential thinking.” (read more)
Communicating Biblical Truth
by Voddie Baucham Jr.
Often, we are so immersed in our culture—and unfamiliar with the Bible—that we fail to see how our behavior conflicts with God’s Word. How does the Bible speak to the culture we live in? Only when we understand both the Bible and our culture can we effectively proclaim Christ to the world around us that is desperate for something eternal, unchangeable and immovable. (read more)
The Apologetics of Peter
by Steve Cable
If we look at Peter’s entire life journey as recorded in Scripture, we see a life that set an incredible example of love, zeal, compassion, courage and effective apologetics. Wait a minute! Peter, a leader in apologetics?
Yes, absolutely Peter was a leader in this area. Peter was never shy about taking the lead. If we are to obey his command in 1 Peter 3:15 to be prepared with a reasoned defense, it behooves us to look at the example and teaching of Peter.
In this article, we will examine the apologetics of Peter to help us grow in our ability to give a reasoned defense. (read more)
What is Apologetics and Why Is It Important?
by Greg Pritchard
Apologetics is the Science and Art of Christian Persuasion. The most quoted verse about Apologetics is 1 Peter 3:15. “Always be prepared to give an (apologia) defense to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
Before a nonbeliever is willing to seriously consider the truth claims of Christianity, he must be willing to leave his current worldview or explanation of the world. An unbeliever becomes increasingly open to an alternative when shown that his world view does not adequately explain the world. (read more)
Are you frustrated because you don’t understand apparent Bible contradictions? Or is someone you know seeking God but hesitant to believe because they’re not convinced of biblical inerrancy? Find explanations for perceived Bible contradictions or errors from a variety of sources. These helpful insights will strengthen your faith and give you links to share with others who are dealing with Bible difficulties.(read more)
Introduction to Bible Difficulties and Bible Contradictions
Bible difficulties, or apparent Bible contradictions, exist. The opponents of Christianity often use them in their attempts to discredit Christianity. (read more)
How Do I Handle Bible Difficulties?
Theologically liberal approaches to the Bible often simply accept contradictions as part of a flawed record. But if the Bible is God’s Word, and if God is all knowing and all powerful, it stands to reason we should be able to trust the Bible. (read more)
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Bible Difficulties · Genesis–Deuteronomy · Joshua–Esther · Job–Song of Solomon · Isaiah–Malachi · Matthew–Mark · Luke, John, and Acts. (read more)
Bible Difficulties / Come Reason Ministries
Although the Bible contains sixty-six books written over thousands of years, it shows remarkable consistency. Here, we examine some of the supposed contradictions that have been offered to disprove the Bible. (read more)
The Bible: Inspired by God?
Is the Bible inspired? Christians claim it is. If that is so, then where is the evidence for its inspiration? Simply saying it is inspired isn’t enough. Let’s see some facts.
First of all, we must understand the inspiration of the Bible is in reference to the original documents, not the copies. Christianity holds that the original writings, the autographs, were without error in everything they address. It is not the copies that are inspired. What we have are copies of inspired documents and the truth is, some copying errors have woven themselves into some of the biblical copies. However, this does not mean that the Bible is not trustworthy. (read more)