Do you want to discover what the Bible says about God, life and eternity? But perhaps you don’t have a Bible. Now you can study the Bible online in the Bible translation of your choice and find Bible answers to your questions. The links below will take you to websites that have Bible scriptures available in hundreds of different languages. Share this link with friends who also want to know what the Bible says.
If you’re new to Bible reading, you may want to start with the Gospel of John. (read John)
Bible Gateway
Available in 46 languages with text, PDF and/or audio plus 22 English versions
(New International Version, NIV)
(New Living Translation, NLT)
(New King James Version, NKJV)
(New American Standard Bible, NASB)
(Amplified Bible, AMP)
Biblica Online Bibles
Select the Bible book and chapter from a chart in the NIV, NLT, KJV, or the NASB. Also has 9 other languages available.
(Browse Bible by Books)
e-Bible Online
The eBible has 9 popular English versions and 22 other language translations available. You can highlight passages or make notes online, like in a print Bible. It is free but you must register using an email address before you can use the highlighting, make notes, read verse explanations, or see related article links. (view eBible)
Bible Letter Bible
Powerful Bible study tools linked to every verse in an easy-to-use, personalized Bible reader! Dig deep into God’s Word with over 30 Bible versions, audio Bibles, text and audio commentaries, Hebrew / Greek lexicon, concordances, dictionaries, advanced word searches, and more.
(view Blue Letter Bible)
Biblos Parallel Bible
Compare 18 different versions and multiple commentaries on a single verse, all on one page! (view Parallel Bible)
Biblos Children’s Bible
Find 217 Bible stories in easy to understand vocabulary just right for kids.
(open The Children’s Bible)