Touching Base 42
Time for some reflection. As you read through this week’s devotionals, what thoughts and feelings did you have about following Jesus?
If necessary, go back and read anything you received this past week that you want to reconsider … or that you missed!
Quick Links
Lesson: Jesus Life of Love Lesson 1: “Jesus: God’s Beloved Son”
God’s Vineyard
Rejection of the Son?
Jesus, Our Capstone
Broken to Pieces
Choose to Follow the Truth
This week we began a new lesson series on God’s great love for us. The lesson focused on Jesus, God’s beloved Son.
In the introduction to the lesson, the author stated: “Love begins with God. God loves us, not because we did anything to deserve it, but simply because it is His nature to love. He values us. He longs for us. He has our best interest at heart.”
What is your personal response to the above statement?
In what ways are you currently experiencing God’s love?
What difference does knowing God and experiencing His love for us make as we live day to day?
Which of the devotionals this week was most meaningful to you?
In “Rejection of the Son?” Beth Yoe wrote: “May we not be found in the place of desolation! Consider for a moment all that God has blessed us with! Think about His constant love for us!”
What blessings are you currently experiencing from God’s hand?
In what ways are you experiencing God’s love?
Are there any ways in which God seems distant from you right now?
Yesterday, Beth Yoe wrote in “Choose to Follow Truth”:
People are clearly given the choice between following the world and following God. God simply does not want us to do a limping dance between the two options—a divided mind and heart will never stand.
In what ways are you currently following the world? In what ways are you following God?
When in your life do you tend to “do a limping dance between the two options”?
How can you remember to follow Jesus?
Go a Step Beyond
Take a few moments to be encouraged as you follow God! Check out this video:
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Write It on Your Heart
Take a few minutes to memorize this verse:
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7–8)