Touching Base 34
Over the past couple of weeks we have focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus. What difference is the reality of the risen Christ making in your life?
If you missed any information this week or want to reconsider something, take a moment to access that material through the “Quick Links” section.
Quick Links
New Life in Christ Lesson 33: Jesus said, “I am …”
Stop Doubting
Jesus Makes Another Appearance
Do You Love Me?
A Special Blessing
Introduction to a New Series: Parables in the Book of Luke
This week’s lesson focused on the “I AM” statements of Jesus:
• “I AM the bread of life.”
• “I AM the light of the world”
• “I AM the good shepherd.”
• “I AM the door.”
• “I AM the resurrection and the life.”
• “I AM the way … truth … and the life.”
• “I AM the vine.”
Which one of these statements is most real to you at this point in your life?
Which one of these statements do you need to learn more about from God’s Word?
Beth Yoe focused this week on Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances
Why do you think these appearances are important in the biblical narrative?
What did you learn this week about Jesus as you read through the Bible verses and Beth’s observations?
In “A Special Blessing,” Beth Yoe included these words from Joni Erickson Tada: “God doesn’t just give us grace; He gives us Jesus, the Lord of grace.”
Why do think Joni makes this distinction?
In what ways have you experienced the Lord of grace?
What one principle can you apply to your life from this week’s devotionals?
Go a Step Beyond
This week we read about how Jesus interacted with Thomas after Thomas doubted the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. What doubts do you have? Check out this week’s recommendation for an on-line video with the One-Minute Apologist as he talks about how God’s Presence can calm our doubts.
How Can God’s Presence Calm My Doubts?
Write It on Your Heart
Take a few minutes to memorize this verse:
“Jesus [said] ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6)