“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” —1 Thessalonians 5:18
Are you a glass half-full or a glass half-empty type person? Do you see something positive in the current global pandemic? Or do you see only doom and gloom? Maybe it is harder to see anything positive in this “unprecedented” condition.
God wants to cultivate a gratitude-filled heart within each of us. Thankfulness in our heart is our acknowledgment of the wonderful nature and character of God: God is sovereign, God is good, God is a provider. God is loving. God is our heavenly father. And more!
Thankfulness is mentioned in many New Testament passages that focus on the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives. So how can we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to develop a consistent attitude of gratitude?
Choose to look at life with a gratitude perspective.
Thankfulness is a choice. It is intentional. You can’t experience gratitude if you are focusing on negative circumstances. Regardless of your difficulties, God is still a loving, good God.
Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord JesusChrist. —Ephesians 5:20
“The joy of the Holy Spirit is experienced by giving thanks in all situations.”
—Bill Bright
There is always someone who you believe is better off than you. And there is always someone you know who has it worse. The joy of the Holy Spirit is experienced by giving thanks in all situations. The secret to living a life of gratitude is not to covet someone who has more but to be content with what God has chosen to giveyou.
Look for signs of God’slove and goodness to you.
Ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes so you can see what God is doing in your life right now. Watch for his fingerprints on your daily activities as he orchestrates events and guides your footsteps.
“May you be filled with joy, always thanking theFather.” —Colossians 1:12
Make it a habit to thank God for all that you notice as being unique in your day. Be alert and anticipate God’s involvement in your daily life. As you focus on his presence, the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to show you what God is doing in your life.
Meditate on God’s mercy, loving-kindness, and goodness.
There are times when we feel we deserve better. In reality, looking through God’s divine standards of holiness and righteousness, we deserve far less. It is only because of God’s grace and Christ’s sacrifice for us that we can enjoy blessings that will last for eternity.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. —Psalm 107:1
Be content with where you are and with what you have. When your life is characterized by a heart that overflows with gratitude to God for his goodness, you are the kind of person other people enjoy. Ask God to give you a heart of gratitude so others (and your soulmate) will enjoy being in your presence. Develop a habit of thankfulness and contentment.